I graduated from Florida State University with my Bachelors in Criminology in 2017. I loved the criminal justice field and saw a long career ahead of me. Then in 2019 I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and was told that if I wanted to have a family, the sooner we start trying the better. This changed my perspective on my career, my timeline for having kids, and what kind of mother I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to have the flexibility of being home more for my family. I knew I wanted a career where I could help make a difference in people's lives. I just didn't know what that career looked like, but I would soon find out.

It's 2020 and Covid-19 shuts the world down. My husband was waiting to ship off for Army Basic Training at the time. I knew once he was able to head out for training our lives were going to drastically change. Unsure of where we would be stationed, if or when he would be deployed, and knowing that we were soon going to start a family, I decided I needed a career change. We had already started The Ox Travels Facebook page to document and share our travels, and had talked about eventually starting a blog and maybe starting a travel service. So it only seemed natural to make this a reality.  

I had no idea what being a travel agent entailed. I knew I had a passion for travel and that I loved helping people but I had no idea how to get started. One of my favorite podcasts gave me the answers I needed. Disney Travel Secrets, hosted by Rob and Kerri Stuart mentioned that they were looking to take on new agents for their company - Creating Magic Vacations. I knew instantly that I wanted to work with them. So I filled out the interest form and not too long later had a call with them. Once I signed my contact I was officially an independent agent with Creating Magic Vacations! 

It definitely was not an easy start. After I signed my contract I found out that I was pregnant, Yay! Brad shipped off for training a couple months later. I was fortunate to be able to work from home with my employer at the time. With the world being shut down there wasn't a strong need for travel agents, but this gave me time to focus on training, coming up with long term goals, and setting up a business plan. During this time I learned SO MUCH about the industry, and sometimes it was a bit overwhelming. I wondered if I was heading down the right path but, with weekly coaching from Rob and Kerri, I stuck with it and have slowly gained the confidence I need to provide my clients with the service they deserve.

Over the last few years I have been able to build up a small client base and continue learning the industry. The Army has sent us on two huge moves, and we've recently added another addition to the family, so life has been BUSY. I am so fortunate to have found the clients that I have. They have been so supportive and I could not have continued down this path without them. I plan to expand my client base, to do SO MUCH more traveling, and to continue to motivate my followers and clients to follow their travel dreams.